Friday, August 23, 2013

Military Diet : Day 1 Results

Alright. Well I have officially completed Day 1 of this diet. 
Breakfast- 1 slice of toast, 1/2 grapefruit, 2 TBS peanut butter, 1 cup black coffee.  
I was very worried about the black coffee... I'm usually a 2 cream/6 sugars kind of person.. but it was fine with the peanut butter toast!

Lunch- 1 slice of toast, 1/2 cup of tuna, 1 cup black coffee
 Doesn't look like a lot, but I was actually pretty full all day so it was fine.  Also, tuna plain with out anything on it, sounds gross.. it is a little dry.. but it tasted just fine surprisingly.

Dinner- 3oz. of any meat (I had chicken), 1 cup green beans, 1/2 banana, 1 small apple, 1 cup vanilla ice cream.  This meal was so filling that about half way though I probably could have been done if I wasn't supposed to eat everything. Sorry for the lack of pictures.. I had already eaten most of it before I remembered to take a picture.

So, here is the update: I feel great! I was a little hungry before dinner, and a little hungry at night.. but I am usually an all day snacker.  Typically, I eat every night before bed, chips, leftovers, anything.  So not doing that was a little hard.  During the day, though, I had lots of energy and felt totally normal.  Final product... I woke up this morning and am 2.8 pounds lighter than I was yesterday morning! =] 

On to day 2...

1 comment:

  1. We need to reduce our weight as well. So we need to obey daily work chart.
    If you need any tips or info abut it, you can find them this 3 Day Military Diet Shopping site.
    Thank you
